Qualitative research: A suited approach to comprehend the way humans relate, real life gain a richness of information relating to the phenomenon.
Major project
Transitions from secondary to primary care of patients with mental health difficulties: A carers perspective and patient safety.
Transitions of Care in Mental Health: A Carers Perspective.
Summary of the project
The Key findings of this project allowed identification of 4 key generated themes relating to: -
• Barriers to a successful transition, from a carers perspective
• Increased organisational and COVID pressures caused a barrier
• Barriers impacting on carers
• Lack of understanding of the discharge process
Reflecting on this project has given a deeper understanding of the complex discharge transition process and once patients with mental health difficulties have been admitted to hospital, they remain under secondary care provision as a highly specialised profession, making the General Practitioners (GP) role of a gatekeeper difficult.
Word Frequency Cloud
The word frequency cloud are the words that appeared most frequently in the transcribed interviews.
Information is difficult and appearing to impact on carer well-being and patient care.
Alwena Paula Lousie Tudor
Major project
Transitions from secondary to primary care of patients with mental health difficulties: A carers perspective and patient safety.