Despite improvements in disability's representation, Zhuolin's project revisits the one of the most visible difficulties people with physical disabilities face: their environment.
Major project
We All Lose Our Abilities
We All Lose Our Abilities, shifts the focus of disability away from medical conceptions about the 'able-bodied', and focuses on how inclusive design is mutually beneficial for all of its users, disabled or not. Though a majority of people may not be disabled, this series of posters highlights how injury, ageing, or heavy lifting can radically affect the way they can operate with space.
The poster series' goal is to help people empathise with others, especially those with disabilities, by drawing attention to the myriad of ways we can all struggle with our physical environment. Unlike the stairs, whose relative size denoted the monumental challenge, the Train is more optimistic. The board that bridges the gap is not only a metaphor of how sound design empowers all, but also how it connect one group of people with another.
The final poster draws attention to how other people can sometimes be the restricting factor in one's environment, rather than the architecture itself. In this case, a bike has blocked the slope's access. Like the other posters, Slope was created using a variety of digital softwares. Sketch Up modelled the environments whilst a mixture of hand-drawings scanned into Illustrator for compositing and finished in Photoshop.
Zhuolin Sun
Major project
We All Lose Our Abilities